Submission Guidelines for Blog

  1. Submissions must be made through the Google Form only.

  2. Submission should deal with relevant and contemporary legal and policy issues. Only original content will be accepted. Submissions will be screened for similarity index and Al writing.

  3. The submission should strictly adhere to the word limit of 1,000 to 1,500 words. This stipulation is flexible at the Editorial Board’s discretion in exceptional cases.

  4. The NLR Blog strictly prohibits the submission and publication of manuscripts that purposefully target or intend to harm the religious, socio-cultural and/or political sentiments of any reasonable reader. The submissions must strictly be limited to legal analysis of the covered topics.

  5. References must be in the form of hyperlinks. Use of endnotes should be limited to circumstances where a hyperlink reference is not available. For endnotes, the Oxford University Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA) (4th Edition) must be adhered to.

  6. Authors are also requested to upload a non-copyrighted image to accompany the manuscript. The Image should be representative of the topic, area or argument. It should be of high quality (upwards of 1000 pixels).

  7. Manuscripts that have already been submitted or published elsewhere must not be submitted.

  8. The maximum period for retraction of a piece is within 7 days from the date of submission.