Enakshi Jha from NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad, addresses the need for the Transitional Justice model in the country of Tunisia.
The Jasmine Revolution opened the doors to a long chain of revolutionary activities that have the potential to remodel the political, social and economic terrain of Tunisia. Tunisia has often been symbolized by its rampant corruption that was further catalyzed by the oppressive regime of Ben Ali. The Jasmine Revolution and its consequent metamorphosis in the political regime of Tunisia have showed the potential of change. This is where Transitional Justice takes the center stage. Transitional Justice attempts to account for the grievances of the past to include human rights, economic and socio-political violations of citizens. This focus on justice is imperative for a contextual understanding of the perils faced by the people. The procedure enables reconciliation in society, instead of merely focusing upon retribution, that leaves room for further conflict.
In this paper the Author has attempted to elucidate the troubled history of Tunisia and hence advocated for the pressing need to enable tools of Transitional Justice. Since the Jasmine Revolution started a wave of other uprisings, the Author focuses on the present state of the tools and model employed to enable such justice. Further, the author moots the need to curb the vicious cycle of corruption and Human Rights violations in Tunisia and specially focuses upon the status and rights of Women in the Country. In the last segment, the author recommends the much needed changes to catalyze this process.